Arquivo de Artigos

Litter production and Nutrient cycling

25/04/2013 17:47
Litter production and Nutrient cycling   Why is it important?   Nutrient cycle studies plays a vital role for understanding Forest ecossystem structure and functioning.  It's by means by the litter, composed of leafs, barks, twigs, flowers and fruits that Organic matter and nutrients...


02/03/2012 15:11
2012 SANTOS, R.M.; OLIVEIRA-FILHO, A.T., EISENLOHR, P.V.; QUEIROZ, L.P. DOMINGOS, CARDOSO, D.B.O.S. & RODAL, M.J.N. 2012. Identity and relationships of the Arboreal Caatinga among other floristic units of seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) of North-eastern and Central Brazil. Ecology...

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